Green Financing For High Performance Buildings

Green Financing For High Performance Buildings

Mid Rise Multi-family residential rental project secures low cost financing through high performance design

The project is a two-tower mid-rise multi-residential complex that share 2 levels of underground parking. By considering high performance metrics, developers are able to gain access to favourable lending terms through the CMHC Rental Construction Finance Initiative. EVNA Engineering and the rest of the design team worked collaboratively to design a building that meets the energy performance standards required by the program, which is 25% better than the National Energy Code for Buildings. Working in collaboration with the entire design team, EVNA Engineering provides equipment specification and analysis to comply with the energy performance requirements of the CMHC program. The ongoing role of EVNA Engineering ensures that the various consultants are incorporating the energy conservation measures into their design drawings. As financing is conditional to the successful implementation of the high performance building, when the project goes into construction EVNA Engineering will continue its role in third party commissioning to ensure the trades construct to the design specifications.


Coordination of Communications Across Design Team

Lowered Financing Costs

Lowered Construction Costs

Lowered Operation & Maintenance Costs


Improved Occupant Comfort

Lowered Greenhouse
Gas Emissions


Looking for ways to attract low cost funding?
Let us help you commit to high performance metrics that lower borrowing costs.